worksheet one

WORKSHEET 1 – September 9, 2008 

Team for the Case Study: 

1) Lauren Burgoon (lmb73)

2) Jake Landis (jwl43)

3) Lewis Levenberg (lal56)

4) Ian Smalley (ias6)

5) Francesca Tripodi (fbt2)

6) Jonathon Winters (jfw29) 

The problem or area of interest that we are investigating: 

Our group will study how e-mail security alerts, such as the Georgetown University crime report e-mails, affect the campus culture’s perception of danger.  Does the frequency and volume of the email content, as opposed to delivery via other media, create the impression that campus is unsafe? How does the severity of this reaction compare to the actual crime statistics in Georgetown, or to the rest of DC? 

Specific communication technology being explored: 


RSS Feed

Police Blotters

Wanted Posters



(text messages?)

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